So after receiving the part mentioned a couple posts below, I ended up trying to put it in, and failing miserably. The distance of the holes from each other was just slightly too wide for the motherboard mounts. In frustration, I finally just called Asus. They indicated that they would send me a new one (of a different, more robust variety) for no charge. All I had to do was call their RMA department on Monday morning. So, I did so, yesterday morning when I got home from work, and they are sending one out to me.
The only additional comment they made was that, instead of mounting ‘straight’ on the chip, this one had its mounts on the corners of the fan, and, as such, would be turned 45 degrees when mounted. Frankly, I don’t care if its standing on its head if it keeps the damn thing cool. Well, ok, and its 15mm or less in height. So I do care. So vaht … big deeeel.