I’m almost unable to type for fear that some server is going to reset and this will all go away in some freakishly bad dream.After roughly 3 years, and approximately 14000 kills of the Bogflare Needlers in Zangarmarsh, I finally got a Captured Firefly. Now, I realize that this may not seem like a big deal to those of you who don’t play WoW at all. Let me see if I can offer some perspective here. Hmm…

Imagine the most boring thing you’ve ever done. Imagine that in order to accomplish some really important (ok, hopelessly pointless and inane) goal, you have to do this boring thing over and over until the random odds of 1 in about 1000 hit and you get your lucky day. Now imagine that random, being what it is, doesn’t favor you at all, and that you end up having to do this not just 1000 times, but 14000 instead. Over 3 years. For a few hours at a time until your eyes bleed of boredom.

Well, “random” finally got me, and I got it. I’m beside myself in elation. Or maybe thats just some sort of twisted relief that I never have to kill another Bogflare Needler. Or something.
