Sapientia Delecti, s01e09
- October 30th, 2015
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Some new links for the week. Let James Brown be your guide!
- Catch the biggest waves! (theatlantic)
- What *really* drains your battery? (blog)
- Very interesting. IT ideas that must die. (highscalability)
- The most popular MOOCs (onlinecoursereport)
- Crypto-entrepeneur. (arstechnica)
- Fuel cell cars getting closer. (forbes)
- VC level analysis of the EMC/Dell deal. (a16z)
- I had no idea this was happening. Wow. (fastcodesign)
- beer or wine? (bbc)
- Yay for Prison Architect!! (slate)
- Abandoned Games? Maybe not. (arstechnica)
- NOAA is fudging data, says Rep.Lamar Smith (arstechnica)