Yeah, you might think, sure … you work 7 days on, and then you have 7 off. How could you possibly turn your ‘off’ week into something busy? Well, I did. Yeah, fine … you might say that I filled it chock full of what would otherwise be considered liesure activities, that is true. But hey, I think that is what I earned having worked 85 hours the previous week. Is it not?

I finished the Storm Constantine book I was reading, which wasn’t even on my reading list. Shame on me. I’ll have a review up of it shortly. Her books definitely leave me with a pretty sharp view of the world. Watched a couple movies, so I’m sure I’ll have some comments on those as well. Played in pool league and lost to Skylar, my arch-nemesis (heh). Talked a bit of camera geekery with a couple friends, more to come on that topic as well, for certain. Got Dungeon Siege II, and played the hell out of that for a few days. Got a few new folks coming into the Partisan League in WoW, so that was some time as well. Oh, and don’t forget the first night of rolling up characters in the D&D campaign I’m going to run.

Yeah, I had loads of time. I’ve had a lot on my mind. I’m going to be posting a bunch this week, I suspect. Keep your eyes on this space.
