So a friend asked if I could host his domain for him. Sure, no problem. Do it all the time, whatever. But there’s a wrinkle… his ip address isn’t static. So generally that would lead down the road of engaging some service like dyndns to take care of you. However, these services generally cost money, and if you have several domains, that can get expensive fast.

So not being willing to just let it drop there, I seemed to recall having seen a freeware solution to this problem somewhere along my travels, and investigated again. After failing in my searches, I turned to Dar for some search help, and predictably, he had a result for me inside of one minute. Bring on the GnuDIP. It took a bit of work to get installed, but not much. A quick table or three in mysql, a few security keys generated, and some file permissions later, and it works. Fantasmalogical! SuperDomaintastic! Uh … right. You get the idea.
