So I’ve finished with my 3 weeks in San Josie getting trained up. I think things have gone well so far, and the learning curve, while steep … is right up my alley. I definitely have some additional things I need to focus on, like the F5’s, and maybe some Oracle brushup. Oh, and dig deeper into the network topology stuff as well, but so far, I’m pretty happy with the progress.

The next phase will be gradual, probably taking a few months, but it will go from me being secondary while observing the primary and completing all the research pieces I need to do, to being primary and having the secondary there observing me to make sure things go smoothly.

It seems that the maintenance windows (which we facilitate) are probably among the more challenging tasks, and that happens every Thursday night, 12-2am. They are planned out ahead of time, and run according to a pretty strict schedule. Any deviation from the schedule is our call, and we need to know precisely what impact any deviations (or ‘audibles’) will have on the overall site and uptimes, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary here, though, the challenge just being to juggle all the simultaneously occurring things to make sure things go smoothly.

Progress is good, and the future looks bright. I’m still just as enthusiastic as I was on day 1. Thats always a good sign.
