Archive for 2005

Dental Fun

Root canal this morning, bright and early. Need to get back in a week or so for the crown work. Nothing is as exciting to me as dental work. An a positive note, this guy made the anaesthetic shot completely painless. Thats a new one for me.


Northbridge, round 2

So after receiving the part mentioned a couple posts below, I ended up trying to put it in, and failing miserably. The distance of the holes from each other was just slightly too wide for the motherboard mounts. In frustration, I finally just called Asus. They indicated that they would send me a new one (of a different, more robust variety) for no charge. All I had to do was call their RMA department on Monday morning. So, I did so, yesterday morning when I got home from work, and they are sending one out to me.

The only additional comment they made was that, instead of mounting ‘straight’ on the chip, this one had its mounts on the corners of the fan, and, as such, would be turned 45 degrees when mounted. Frankly, I don’t care if its standing on its head if it keeps the damn thing cool. Well, ok, and its 15mm or less in height. So I do care. So vaht … big deeeel.


Hockey Season!

Yay. After a year’s worth of listening to players, coaches, league administrators and player’s union representatives bicker over how many fucking billions of dollars they’re all going to make, we, the fans, actually get to watch some hockey again. Read more



So you’re using a cool IM client and you don’t like the stock icon it puts in there for you? I’ve added all the avatars I’ve been accumulating over the years into my gallery. That particular album is located here for your perusal. Read more



If you’re not addicted to this inside of 3 minutes, you’re not into puzzles. Check this out.



So the northbridge fan on my motherboard pretty much failed right out of the box. The chip does put off a fair bit of heat, and I found that extended use of high graphics stuff would basically render the system unstable. Read more


Liquid cooled

So I now have a couple different friends who are swearing by liquid cooling systems for PC cooling needs. I decided to go and do the research for whats available, how much it all costs, and what the options are. Read more



And so in accordance with integrating the Gallery thing cleanly, I’ve decided to drop theme switching and just come up with the theme I like the best and leave it there. I still like the dark color scheme I originally had in the ‘Dark Fire’ theme, and then the layout elements/fonts from Stucco. So this is a mix of the two. Hopefully, I won’t get bored of this and change it every 2 months. We’ll see.


wp / gallery2 integration

Something that has been fairly elusive so far is a clean way to integrate WP and Gallery together. With Gallery2, this was apparently made a whole lot easier. Read more


Busy week

Yeah, you might think, sure … you work 7 days on, and then you have 7 off. How could you possibly turn your ‘off’ week into something busy? Well, I did. Yeah, fine … you might say that I filled it chock full of what would otherwise be considered liesure activities, that is true. But hey, I think that is what I earned having worked 85 hours the previous week. Is it not? Read more



I got the bug again. Time to have some serious conversations with the experts to figure out just what I want to do with this hobby, what it will cost me, and how to get where I want it to go. I doubt there will be any changes in gear until at least November, or so.we’ll see. more to come.


Gallery update

So thanks to Troy I took a look at the next version of the Gallery software. Man, that conversion took about 10 minutes, and its already a whole lot easier to deal with than the old version. Read more



If you know what that acronym stands for, then perhaps you will simply chuckle a bit a what follows. If not, please allow me to elucidate. Read more


Mixed feelings

Whenever a tragedy on the scale of what happened (and continues to develop) down in New Orleans occurs, there are liable to be alot of differing opinions on how best to deal with the situation. Read more


I had forgotten

It has actually been many years since I’ve been GM in a campaign. Yes, its quite a good amount of work to come up with all the right information to keep things flowing smoothly, but its worth it. I had forgotten how much fun it was, this world creating. Read more

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