So one of the reasons I’ve been so lax in posting is that my schedule switched over and I’ve not adjusted well.

Previously, I was working 7 days on, 7 days off. You might think… shit, anything has to be better than that. No. Actually, thats pretty darn ideal for me. The hours shifted slightly (from 4pm-4am to 8pm-8am). That change isn’t a huge issue. Its still 12 hours, I get more traffic on the way home now than on the way in. Whatever.

The problem is the days. I now work Mon/Tue/Wed and alternating Thursdays. So 3 on, 4 off, 4 on, 3 off. WIth the 7on/7off schedule … yes, its hard. You get to the end of that week and you feel like your brain has been baked, friend, hung up to sundry, and then dragged through wringer. Especially the last day when you can almost taste the day of sleep to follow. But oh man. Even once you’ve taken your day completely out of the picture to sleep and recover, you still have SIX solid days in a row of NOTHING.

I found that I could schedule a copy busy days with lots of tasks to complete, and still have several days of liesure to myself to enjoy the activities that I do, be it gaming, D&D, out partying with friends, watching movies, etc. And I come back on my ‘Monday’ again to work refreshed mentally and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Perfect.

With this new schedule, I still require at least one good solid night’s sleep to recover, regardless of whether I’m in a ‘3’ or ‘4’ week, and then all it takes is one required activity to completely remove my ability to have any liesure time during that time off. No recharging of batteries, no time spent with wife, dogs or liesure. And when I come back in, I still feel drained and not fully engaged again. That isn’t working.

Need to figure this out.
